This can be thought of as acupuncture for tendons.
When a tendon undergoes repetitive strain or trauma over a long period of time, the body responds by putting up “patches”. These areas are referred to as tendinosis, and the irregular array of the patches leads to pain. The idea behind fenestration to target these patches and poke small holes into them. In a controlled way, this is very safe, as the tendon acts as a sponge as the needle is passed. By doing this, the body assigns a new priority to the previously patched-up area, into a more acute, inflammatory condition. This eventually leads into the tendon regeneration and healing that is required for proper repair.
The medical research for this procedure is continually evolving. It does not work for everybody. Please speak with your physician if this is the right treatment for you.
Pain relief and tendon repair/regeneration. The added benefit of doing this under ultrasound-guidance is that the exact areas of tendinosis can be visualized. So instead of fenestrating the entire tendon, only the areas which require it are targeted.
As pain is thought to be reduced through the healing response, this can take up to 6-8 weeks. The overall length of relief is variable, and an accurate average cannot be provided. The goal is to completely heal the tissue, if possible.
The treatment protocol consists of 2-3 injections every 2-3 weeks. The idea is to stimulate an inflammatory response first, followed by organized tissue repair. The goal is to completely heal the tissue, if possible.
Any patient who may appear to have:
If possible, and safe:
Common, but not severe
Not common, but potentially severe
No specific reactions have been described.
We recommend bringing a driver with you if you’re scheduled for an ankle or foot injection. Otherwise, most people can drive afterwards. Nonetheless, we ask all patients to remain in the clinic waiting room for a minimum of 15 minutes afterwards to observe for any adverse reactions to the medication.
This depends on the type of sport and intensity, but we generally recommend taking it easy for 2 days as post-injection flares may occur. Overall, please be mindful with anything you do and listen to your body.
Please see our fees and financing or contact us for more information.
Suite 303
(Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Chiropractic, & more)
Suite 304
(Specialist consultations, NCS/EMG,
Us-Guided Injections, & more)
P: (905) 826 – 4048
F: (905) 826 – 7201
Mon-Fri: 8 am to 5 pm
Saturday-Sunday: Closed
(Hours and availability may vary)